Driving Tech Talent Pipelines Globally

By nurturing student tech talent with boot camps, mentorship programs and job opportunities, students are able to gain valuable real-world experience in various technologies. This accelerates their learning and development in technology-related careers, helping them succeed in their chosen field.

Our Co-Winning Model

Transforming Lives through Education, Employment, and Ecosystem-Building Initiatives.

Identify & Recruit

The initial phase of the program focuses on talent recruitment, as we collaborate with local communities and educational institutes to identify promising talent that is driven and with potential. We will shortlist through teacher recommendations, applications, and interviews to identify talents with the right mindset.

Intensive Training & Shortlisting

Admitted talents will be invited to attend an intensive full-day tech training that enables students to learn in-demand tech skills. This is an opportunity to further explore their interest and talent in the tech-space.

On-the-job Training

Talents who were mentor-shortlisted will proceed to the on-the-job training phase – what we call Apprenticeship. This is a paid opportunity for them to further their learning-by-doing.


Talents who pass through the tech apprenticeship may be granted part or full-time job offers. They may also choose to continue to pursue degree/ sub-degree.

Give Back

Talents who completes theprogram are encouraged andinvited to return as mentor orhelper to future cohorts to sharetheir learnings and experiences.

Inspire & Recruit

Based on a preferred mentor-to-student ratio of 1:5, we source and recruit mentors who are real-world professionals who are truly passionate about giving back to the industry. Our current mentor pool consists  of industry experts from Bloomberg, Lalamove, Klook, Carbon Exchange, and more.

Intensive Mentoring & Coaching

Mentors will enable our talents to learn beyond the classroom and acquire essential learning experiences in authentic contexts. This is done through an intensive boot camp co-created by Talent Co-op and our mentors to ensure a standardized learning experience. Mentors will also observe and evaluate talent capabilities and potential and identify apprenticeship candidates.

On-the-job Mentoring

Real-world experience: Guided by our mentors who are experienced software engineers/ data scientists, providing talents with the opportunity to work on projects for real customers in a commercial setting.

Offer & Hire

Mentors will have the opportunity to offer high-performing apprentices employment opportunities at their tech company. Flexibility in terms of full or part-time offering will be available to suit employment and individual needs.

Mentor & Refer

Talents who completes the program are encouraged and invited to return as mentor or helper to future cohorts to share their learnings and experiences.